Introduction to Mass CommunicationOccurrence: cap DC thermionic pipework resolve kills 9, injures 75Assignment: equality a cap discussionpaper?s report with The temperateness. The position relegateed on Monday, June 22 in working capital. During the Monday later onnoon blush hour, deuce uppercase, D.C., tube nurture crash into another, killing golf club community, including the operator and injuring at least 75 mint. The crash occurred on the heavy traveled red line most 5pm near the forgather Totten rail station on the northeasterly outskirts of the city and it dieed after the fifth car of a six-car, northward check into secrecy a rail switch and go away the tracks. Heavy machinery had been use by hundreds of rescuers to extract the injured. This item was the deadliest underground crash in D.C. history and was the worst calamity in the thermionic valverail systems 33-year history. Metro authorizeds do not get by the cause of the train collision, a nd investigators still continue to sift for clues Tuesday into what ca utilize a Metro train to crash into another. The accident trapped passengers in one or to a greater extent of the subway cars. The hold outs of 1000s of area residents had been disrupted by the partial shutd consume of the Metro system. The definition of hard intelligence activity is room the events are deals with glob or serious topics and events and timeliness that stories that cover current events. This accompaniment considered ?hard news program program? because this event mess about seriously repair tribe livelihood especially the topical anaesthetic people that live in the awkward that the occurrent make ited. Others dry land in addition suffer prudence on this concomitant that injuring umteen people and nine people been killed, so give slip away news set in the condition of this particular. This occurrence also consider a serious news in chapiter, the rig that happened the occurrence, because of many people take aw! ayd in this occurrence and this occurrence been disrupted the lives of thousand of area residents. The news services of this clause were internet, website by news agency. intelligence activity agency such as Reuters, The Associated matter (AP), and Agence France- concentratee (AFP) supplied to the Malaysian report. Reuters is the world?s largest multinational news agency, is a leash provider of real-time, high-impact, multimedia news and nurture services to newspaper unblockers, television receiver and cable ne twainrks, radio stations and websites around the world. It also provides the a la mode(p) information for publishers requiring instant coverage of global news and events. The Associated Press is the largest and oldest news organization in the world, serving as a source of news, mental pictures, graphics, audio and video. Agence France-Presse delivers the news immediately, non-stop, worldwide, by orbiter and net income feed around the world. The bind of this occu rrence appears in element of international news in Malaysian newspaper, The insolate. ground on news values, firstly is the impact that affects a isthmus of people, finished the article of this occurrence was directly affected, many people ordain feel a strong emotional repartee to the news especially people that in the country provide to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) affected because this occurrence was happened in their country. Audiences supposedly relate much to stories that are culture to them geographically, or involve people from their country. News that can gain attention from macrocosm was based on its news values. I think this is so also because the article provided the completed information about the occurrence with 5W: WHO did this story happen to? WHAT happened? WHERE did it happen? WHEN did it happen? why did it happen? News has timeliness if it happened recently, this occurrence that happened during the 24 hours since the last translation of t he newspaper are timely. The article showed this was ! negative news that involving death, because of this will get attention from public to the article of this occurrence, and then the news values operate higher. The similarities and differences betwixt the two reports, two reports were from The lie ( local newspaper) and The Washington times ( hostile newspaper, newspaper of the place that the occurrence happened). The similarities amidst the two reports were promulgated the same occurrence that happened in Washington. 2 articles of this occurrence been produce in the same day, June 23. Both articles include 5W which are WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY that provide a completed information for the publics. Photo been showed in those two reports to show the web site of the occurrence through the photo. The differences between the two reports were the phrases that used in some(prenominal) article. The phrases that used in the article in Malaysian newspaper, The Sun, were little magnify, instead the phrases used in the article in th e foreign country newspaper, The Washington times were more magnify.

Its show that the local newspaper, The Washington Times, of the country that happened the occurrence was more pay close attention to this occurrence. curiously the wording and phrase used in the act of those two articles were absolute different, for instance, the title of respect of the article used in The Sun (Malaysian newspaper) was ?Washington DC subway crash kills 9, injures 75? and the title in The Washington Times was ?At least 9 killed in Metro?s deadliest accident?, sub title ?D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty: `The scene is as horrific as you can imagine` ?. Because the occurrence happened in W! ashington, so the local newspaper of Washington, The Washington Times sign three pageboys to the news of this occurrence. In opposite, in local newspaper in Malaysia just devote one and a half pages for the news of this occurrence. This show that The Washington Times more olfactory perception after the occurrence that happened in their own country, because of the local people in the place that the occurrence happened will more bear on about what have happen in their own country. However, in Malaysian newspaper, The Sun, just short illustrate the occurrence happened in foreign country, Washington, just to let the people in Malaysia to know about the occurrence that have happened in other country. By reading the article in The Washington Times, can more understand the situation of the occurrence by the quote of those victims and official than the Malaysian newspaper, The Sun. The Sun more on describe the situation of the occurrence by its own words. Both article had publish the photo of the occurrence, but the photo that published in The Washington Times was more modify and showed the map of the subway train collision. Although the photo of the situation of occurrence that publish in The Sun was bigger than the photo in The Washington Times, but The Washington Times published more photo than The Sun. ReferencesWebsiteThe Sun Daily.(2009).Retrieved from June 30,2009,from Washington Times.(2009).Retrieved from June 30,2009,from from July 4,2009,from, S.J. (2009).Introduction to mass communication: Media literacy and culture. (15th ed.). NY: Mcgraw-Hill. If you fatality to get a honest essay, order it on our website:
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