
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Geography Prelim Notes

Geography Preliminary Exam Outline 20 multiple choice – skills Short Answer Questions – Biophysical Interactions (some or all or how they integrate), population and culture integration. Extended response – Natural resources – one or a combination of the four points Geography Preliminary Notes The Biophysical Environment * The Biophysical Environment is the interaction of all abiotic and biotic elements found on the planet. * Expressed another way the BPE is made up of all the features of the physical and the built environment and how these features interrelate. The BPE is then the interactions, which occur between the Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere and Hydrosphere. ATMOSPHERE * Atmosphere, mixture of gases surrounding any celestial object that has a gravitational field strong enough to prevent the gases from escaping; especially the gaseous envelope of the earth. The principal constituents of the atmosphere of the earth are nitrogen (78 percent) and ox ygen (21 percent). The atmospheric gases in the remaining 1 percent are argon (0. 9 percent), carbon dioxide (0. 3 percent), varying amounts of water vapour, and trace amounts of hydrogen, ozone, methane, carbon monoxide, helium, neon, krypton, and xenon. * The water-vapour content of the air varies considerably, depending on the temperature and relative humidity. With 100 percent relative humidity the water-vapour content of air varies from 190 parts per million (ppm) at -40Â ° C to 42,000 ppm at 30Â ° C. Minute quantities of other gases, such as ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, are temporary constituents of the atmosphere in the vicinity of volcanoes and are washed out of the air by rain or snow.Divisions of the Atmosphere: Without our atmosphere, there would be no life on earth. A relatively thin envelope, the atmosphere consists of layers of gases that support life can provide protection from harmful radiation. Issues related to the Atmosphere * Daily weather conditions, climatic conditions (seasonal/short-term/long-term/cyclical) * Global warming, Greenhouse Effect (GHE) * Ozone depletion * Acid rain * Smog, photochemical smog, brown haze * Radioactive fallout Atmosphere Impacts Oxides and other pollutants added to the atmosphere by factories and automobiles have become a major concern, however, because of their damaging effects in the form of acid rain. In addition, the strong possibility exists that the steady increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, mainly as the result of fossil-fuel combustion over the past century, may affect the earth's climate (for example enhanced Greenhouse Effect). * Similar concerns are posed by the sharp increase in atmospheric methane.Methane levels have risen 11 per cent since 1978. About 80 per cent of the gas is produced by decomposition in rice paddies, swamps, and the intestines of grazing animals, and by tropical termites. Human activities that tend to accelerate these processes include raising more livestock and growing more rice. Besides adding to the greenhouse effect, methane reduces the volume of atmospheric hydroxyl ions, thereby curtailing the atmosphere's ability to cleanse itself of pollutants. (for example photochemical smog) Atmosphere – Ozone DepletionThe ozone layer became a subject of concern in the early 1970s when it was found that chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), were rising into the atmosphere in large quantities because of their use as refrigerants and as propellants in aerosol dispensers. The concern centred on the possibility that these compounds, through the action of sunlight, could chemically attack and destroy stratospheric ozone, which protects the earth's surface from excessive ultraviolet radiation. HYDROSPHERE * The hydrosphere refers to all liquid and frozen surface waters, groundwater held in soil and rock, and atmospheric water vapour. Water is the most abundant substance at the surface of the Earth. About 1. 4 b illion cubic kilometres of water in liquid and frozen form make up the oceans, lakes, streams, glaciers, and groundwater. * Central to any discussion of the hydrosphere is the concept of the hydrologic cycle. This cycle consists of a group of reservoirs containing water, the processes by which water is transferred from one reservoir to another (or transformed from one state to another), and the rates of transfer associated with such processes.These transfer paths penetrate the entire hydrosphere, extending upward to about 15 kilometres in the Earth's atmosphere and downward to depths in the order of five kilometres into the crust. * Although water storage in rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere is small, the rate of water circulation through the rain–river–ocean–atmosphere system is relatively rapid. The amount of water discharged each year into the oceans from the land is approximately equal to the total mass of water stored at any instant in rivers and lakes. The biosphere, though primarily H2O in composition, contains very little of the total water at the terrestrial surface, only about 0. 00004 per cent. Yet, the biosphere plays a major role in the transport of water vapour back into the atmosphere by the process of transpiration. Impact of Human Activities on the Hydrosphere * The activities of modern society are having a severe impact on the hydrologic cycle. * Humans alter the natural functioning of the water cycle through quantitative or qualitative changes to the cycle. For example the dynamic steady state is being disturbed by the discharge of toxic chemicals, radioactive substances, and other industrial wastes and by the seepage of mineral fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides into surface and subsurface aquatic systems. Inadvertent and deliberate discharge of petroleum, improper sewage disposal, and thermal pollution also are seriously affecting the quality of the hydrosphere. * Humans alter the quantity of water available throu gh by a range of activities such as the construction of Dams.Weirs, irrigation schemes, aqueducts, reservoirs, dyke & levee schemes and land reclamation projects. * In more subtle ways humans through enhancing the Greenhouse Effect may be changing regional climates and therefore rainfall patterns within regions. * While large scale dams can mitigate flood damage, provide Hydro-electric energy and reliable water supply they also present significant environmental and ecological costs. * People alter the quality of water in many ways such as through domestic, agricultural, commercial and industrial pollution. The pollution of waterways is classified according to point or non-point pollution. * Pollution in waterways can mean the quality of water is unfit for human consumption (toxic to humans) or of a low enough quality to seriously impact on the ecology of the water system. LITHOSPHERE * The Earth's outermost rigid, rocky layer is called the lithosphere. It is broken, like a slightly cracked eggshell, into about a dozen separate rigid blocks, or plates. There are two types of plates, oceanic and continental.An example of an oceanic plate is the Pacific Plate, which extends from the East Pacific Rise to the deep-ocean trenches bordering the western part of the Pacific basin. The North American Plate exemplifies a continental plate. * The upper layer of the lithosphere is termed the crust. * The earth’s crust is comprised of bedrock material in various situ * Rocks are commonly divided into three major classes according to the processes that resulted in their formation.These classes are (1) igneous rocks, which have solidified from molten material called magma; (2) sedimentary rocks, those consisting of fragments derived from pre-existing rocks or of materials precipitated from solutions; and (3) metamorphic rocks, which have been derived from either igneous or sedimentary rocks under conditions that caused changes in mineralogical composition, texture, and internal structure. * Elements of weathering, erosion and gradational forces over time then shape these rock components into landform.This is known as the geomorphological process. * Such forces as tectonic plate movement, fluvial action, gradational forces and the action of the wind and sun shape landform features. * Tectonic plates move in three main ways relative to each other. Translation, seduction and convergence (Spreading). The results of this plate movement is often seen as volcanic activity (eruptions, geysers, hot springs) as earthquakes or tremors and in subsidence, land slips and slumping. * Fluvial action is the process of water eroding, transporting and depositing rock material. Wind can erode rock material by blasting, while the sun heating up rock and the rock cooling can break it down in a process call exfoliation. The top three soil issues confronting Australia are; 1. Loss of valuable topsoil due to over-clearing and subsequent erosion 2. Soils salinity – as result of over-clearing and or irrigation rasing the water table and bringing salt to the surface. 3. Acid Sulfate soil exposure – as a result of construction and mining exposing acid sulfates locked up in soil and these sulfates leaching into local waterways. BIOSPHERE The Biosphere is defined as the relatively thin life-supporting stratum of the Earth's surface, extending from a few kilometres into the atmosphere to the deep-sea vents of the oceans. * The biosphere is a global ecosystem composed of living organisms (biota) and the abiotic (nonliving) factors from which they derive energy and nutrients. * The biosphere can be broken down into segments of abiotic and biotic components, called ecosystems. Oceans, lakes, and wetlands are examples of aquatic ecosystems, while forests, deserts, and tundra are examples of terrestrial ecosystems.Through these systems, energy flows and chemicals essential to life are cycled in what is known as biogeochemical cycles. * The biosph ere itself can be studied as a worldwide ecosystem through which the interconnectedness of all life and life-supporting systems on the Earth can be understood. * The earth’s biodiversity (total known stock of varying species of fauna and flora on the planet) is classified into several major Biomes. Each Biome is made up of a multitude of interconnected and interrelating ecosystems. An ecosystem is defined as the complex of living organisms, their physical environment, and all their interrelationships in a particular unit of space. * An ecosystem can be categorized into its abiotic constituents, including minerals, climate, soil, water, sunlight, and all other nonliving elements, and its biotic constituents, consisting of all its living members. Linking these constituents together are two major forces: the flow of energy through the ecosystem, and the cycling of nutrients within the ecosystem. Cycles within ecosystems which transfer / transform energy and matter are known as t he Biogeochemical cycles (eg. Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous etc.. ) * The biosphere supports between 3 and 30 million species of plants, animals, fungi, single-celled prokaryotes such as bacteria, and single-celled eukaryotes such as protozoans. Of this total, only about 1. 4 million species have been named so far, and fewer than 1 percent have been studied for their ecological relationships and their role in ecosystems. * A little more than half the named species are insects, which dominate errestrial and freshwater communities worldwide; the laboratories of systematises are filled with insect species yet to be named and described. Hence, the relationships of organisms to their environments and the roles that species play in the biosphere are only beginning to be understood. BIOPYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Impacts of Humans on the Biophysical Environment * The biosphere supports between 3 and 30 million species of plants, animals, fungi, single-celled prokaryotes such as bacteria, a nd single-celled eukaryotes such as protozoans. Of this total, only about 1. million species have been named so far, and fewer than 1 percent have been studied for their ecological relationships and their role in ecosystems. * A little more than half the named species are insects, which dominate terrestrial and freshwater communities worldwide; the laboratories of systematises are filled with insect species yet to be named and described. Hence, the relationships of organisms to their environments and the roles that species play in the biosphere are only beginning to be understood. Management Strategies for human impacts on BPE Management strategies can be based on a number of approaches such as reactionary, precautionary or proactive management. * As many issues have multiple causal factors at a variety of scales any successful management strategies must be designed with this in mind. Often the real measure of success of a management strategy is a direct reflection of effectiveness or otherwise of a co-ordinating authority. * An example of this need for a co-ordinated response to management can be seen through reviewing the Murray Darling Basin Commission (MDBC).This authority must oversee management strategies in literally hundreds of sub-catchments of the Murray Darling river and across local, state and federal levels of jurisdiction. Natural Resources Definition of a Natural Resource A natural resource is any part of the biophysical environment that can be used in some way to satisfy human needs. For example; air, water, forests, minerals. They can either be either RENEWABLE or NON-RENEWABLE. RENEWABLE RESOURCES Renewable resources are those that are naturally renewed within a sufficiently short time span to be useful to human beings.There are two categories of renewable resources: * Non-critical zone resources * Critical zone resources Non-critical zone renewable resources: * These types of natural resources remain renewable irrespective of how much and ho w often humans use them * Some examples include solar energy, tides, wing, waves, water and air. Critical zone renewable resources: * These are resources that naturally renew within short periods of time but can be affected by how much and how often humans use them, That is humans use them before they can be renewed. * Examples include fish, forests, animals, soil, underground water (aquifers)NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES * These are resources that have taken millions of years to form’ * These are resources that are deemed to be in fixed supply that is once they are used they can never be replaced. There are two categories of non renewable resources; * CONSUMED BY USE and * RECYCLABLE OR THEORETICALLY RECOVERABLE Consumed by use Non-renewable * These are resources that once used they can not be replaced. These are basically the fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. There are called fossil fuels because they were once living organisms million years ago. * Because of the ra te of use in recent times these resources could ace exhaustion. It is predicted that after 2008 that oil will reduce as we have used it up. Recyclable or Theoretically Recoverable Non-renewable * These are the metallic minerals that are mined such as iron ore, aluminum copper, gold, silver etc. These also take millions of years to be created and once used they too cannot be replaced; the significant difference is that these resources can be reused or recycled. Think of aluminum cans or metal scrap yards. What constitutes a resource? For these resources defined earlier several conditions must exist before it can actually become a resource. 1.It must be recognized as being a resource indirectly or directly. 2. There must be the skills, equipment and social organization present to transform the resource into something useful. 3. The transformation must be achieved at a cost and convenience that make it more appropriate than an alternative. 4. The adverse impacts generated by the activi ty must be acceptable to society. What a natural resource is, depends on a number of factors; 1. Economic – what is the cost of extraction e. g. , extracting petroleum out of deep-sea deposits is expensive and risky – the deep sea well in the golf of Mexico. 2.Cultural – What is a resource for one culture might not be for another e. g. Kangaroo meat. 3. Technology – the resource might not be technologically possible at the moment e. g. fusion power 4. Political – governments might promote exploitation of natural resources for strategic, economic & political reasons e. g. the cotton industry in Australia is a result of government policy in the 1960s that wanted to reduce our reliance on imported cotton. 5. Environment and health factors – concerns about the impact on the environment and the health of people and ecosystems may effect the nature and rater if resources exploitation.Environment + Impact Statements (EIS) are often used to assess t he impact on ecosystems of the exploitation of a resource. Economic & political issues related to the use of natural resource, their ownership and management 1. Rate of use: Supply and Demand * Economically, natural resources will be used at a higher rate while that resource is in demand. * If demand is reduced over time it could have economic repercussions for the country that relied on its sale – relevant to the economic well being of many developing countries. They take out large loans to help develop their country based on the performance of selling their natural resources * Once demand decreases their ability to pay back the loan is reduced which then makes the country more in debt. * Money made from selling the resources is used to pay off interest on the loans and little is put back into the country to make it better off. 2. Continued demand for a resource * Can jeopardise economic prosperity due to economically unsustainable practices * Uncontrolled exploitation may j eopardise long term production levels.A good example of this is fishing. * May cause stocks to be reduced * Threat to the preservation of the fish species * Industry and jobs would be lost * Boat owners would incur increasing debts * Food supplies would be threatened by high prices and limited availability Political Issues 1. Opposing views * Political issues of resource use can arise when competing groups wish to use the same resources. * Countries who dispute ownership of a major resource e. g. the waters of a river that flows through more than one country. * Subgroups within a society

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

BDO Unibank Essay

The second logo of Banco de Oro Banco de Oro had its humble beginnings on January 2, 1968, when it started off as a thrift bank called Acme Savings Bank. With two branches in Metro Manila, Acme was one of the smallest banks in the Philippines at the time. In November 1976, Acme was acquired by the Sy Group, the group of companies currently owned by retail magnate Henry Sy, and renamed Banco de Oro Savings and Mortgage Bank. In December 1994, BDO became a commercial bank. To reflect the bank’s new status, BDO was renamed Banco de Oro Commercial Bank, and in September 1996, BDO became a universal bank, which led to the bank’s name being changed to the current Banco de Oro Universal Bank. It is one of the many banks owned by a Chinese-Filipino in the Philippines (others includeMetrobank and Chinabank). BDO eventually became involved in insurance services in 1997 (it is a bancassurance firm) by establishing a subsidiary called BDO Insurance Brokers. In 1999, BDO expanded its insurance services through par tnerships with Assicurazoni Generali s.p.a., one of the world’s largest insurance firms, and Jerneh Asia Berhad, a member of Malaysia’s Kuok Group. Later, BDO partnered up with its insurance affiliates, which are Generali Pilipinas Life Assurance Company and Generali Pilipinas Insurance Company, in March 2000 Dao Heng Bank On June 15, 2001, BDO merged with Dao Heng Bank’s Philippine subsidiary, with BDO as the surviving entity. The merger boosted the number of BDO’s branches from 108 branches before the merger to 120 after the merger. Banco Santander Philippines In August 2003, BDO acquired the local banking unit of Banco Santander with its commercial, trust and derivatives licenses to become BDO Private Bank, a fully owned subsidiary of BDO Unibank. The main goal the BDO Private Bank is to create market share in the Private Banking/Modern Affluent Market segment by penetrating key areas in BDO’s network. This is to complement and explore how the BDO Group can service all the financial and investment needs of the client. United Overseas Bank Philippines In late April 2005, United Overseas Bank sold 66 out of its Philippine subsidiary’s 67 branches to BDO after UOB’s Philippine subsidiary is set to rationalize its operations from retail to wholesale banking. All UOB branches completed integration into the BDO network on March 22, 2006, increasing the number of Banco de Oro branches to 220. Equitable PCI Bank On August 5, 2005, Banco de Oro and an SM subsidiary, SM Investments, bought 24.76% of the shares of Equitable PCI Bank, the Philippines’ third-largest bank, and 10% of an Equitable PCI affiliate, Equitable CardNetwork, one of the Philippines’ largest credit card issuers, from the family that founded the bank, the Go family. BDO has also been offered a further 10% by another Equitable PCI affiliate, EBC Investments, and a deal is being made to buy (awaiting court approval) the 29% stake of the Social Security System (SSS), the Philippines’ pension fund. Subsequent acquisitions enabled the bank to acquire a 34% stake in Equitable PCI. On December 1, 2005, Banco de Oro shares were listed as a component of the PSE Composite Index for the first time. On January 6, 2006, Banco de Oro, with the SM Group of Companies, submitted to Equitable PCI a merger offer with Banco de Oro as the surviving entity. Under the proposal, Banco de Oro will swap 1.6 of its shares for every 1 Equitable PCI share. As a second option, Banco de Oro also offered to base the swap ratio on the book values of both banks to be assessed by an independent accounting firm using International Accounting Standards (IAS). To effect the merger, Banco de Oro needs consent of Equitable PCI shareholders representing 67% of Equitable PCI. These include the Social Security System (SSS) with 29%, the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) with 14%, and the family of Equitable PCI chairman Ferdinand Martin Romualdez with eight percent. Banco de Oro said that the proposed â€Å"merger of equals† would create the country’s second biggest bank with assets of about P608 billion (as of June 2007), just next to Metrobank with P669.1 billion (as of June 2007), the current banking industry leader in the Philippines. Bank of the Philippine Islands is the current third biggest bank in the Philippines with P592.6 b illion (as of June 2007). Banco de Oro has asked Equitable PCI to study their offer until January 31, 2006. Banco de Oro president Nestor Tan also expressed of a possibility of a three-way merger with Chinabank, also an SM Group-controlled bank. The bank president also said that the proposed Banco de Oro-Equitable PCI merger would consolidate the strengths of Banco de Oro and Equitable PCI in consumer lending and result in a dominant player in middle-market lending and a market leader in money remittance volumes, branch banking, trust and corporate banking with the combined network of 685 branches located in the Philippines and abroad. Although Romualdez and the GSIS have shown stiff opposition to the BDO-Equitable PCI merger, the SSS is still studying the possibility of a merger. In fact, UBS studied the deal and claims that the merger through the stock swap option is a â€Å"win-win† situation. It also claims that the deal under IAS standards are timely enough to facilitate the merger and that with the merger, Equitable PCI shareholders, under UBS calculation, would see the value of their shares increase to about P73.60 per share, more than the fair value target price of 67 pesos. With Equitable PCI and BDO’s merging fully realized. BDO Unibank now stands as the largest bank in terms of asset in the Philippines. With offices in Manila, San Juan, Ortigas Center area in Pasig/Mandaluyong and in Makati, the Philippines’ central business district, with its newly renovated BDO Corporate Center situated at the former Equitable PCI Bank Tower along Makati Avenue. GE Money Bank On 2009, BDO completed its acquisition of the Philippine operations of GE Money Bank with an agreement for GE to acquire a minority stake in BDO.[2] In a definitive agreement signed by the two institutions, GE Capital will acquire a 1.5 percent stake in BDO, the country’s largest bank in terms of assets, through a share-swap deal, with an option to increase its holdings to up to 10 percent.[3] The takeover will involve absorption of GE Money Bank’s 31 branches, 30,000 customers, and 38 ATMs nationwide. Recent events â‚ ±1.1-billion IPO On January 2008, Viva Films chairman Vic del Rosario announced that Viva Communications expects to raise â‚ ±1.1 billion (1 US dollar = 41.48 pesos) through approval of the initial public offering (IPO) by the Philippine Stock Exchange, on listing date of March 5. It plans to sell up â‚ ±92.8 million new shares and â‚ ±49.9 million secondary shares at â‚ ±12.93 / share (offer is 35% of the company’s issued and outstanding capital stock). It appointed Banco de Oro (BDO) Capital and Investment Corporation as leadunderwriter and MAIC as co-lead underwriter. Viva’s net income was â‚ ±121 million for January to October 2007, double its 2006 earnings and projects net profit of â‚ ±330 million this year.[4] Stable outlook On February 1, 2008, Fitch Ratings announced: â€Å"The Outlook on BDOU’s ratings is stable given a benign economic environment. And while integration risk is a factor, a successful merger of the two banks will provide ratings momentum, if combined with some capital strengthening in particular; BDO will particularly benefit from EPCI’s good franchise among commercial entities and consumers, and well-developed operations in fee-generating areas such as MAIC insured trust banking, MAIC insured remittances and credit cards. Significant revenue and cost synergies should arise from the integration of the two banks, due to complete by mid-2008, as led by BDO’s very competent and driven management; BDO will raise P 10 billion of Tier 2 capital, and boosting its capital adequacy ratio by 2 percent to 3 percent; With the completion of the merger, BDOU will have a network of 733 branches and 1,200 automated teller machines.†[5] Lehman Brothers’ exposure On September 17, 2008, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor Amando M. Tetangco, Jr. announced â€Å"due to the uncertainty relating to the financial condition of Lehman Brothers, Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. is setting aside provisions totaling 3.8 billion pesos (80.9 million dollars) to cover its exposure to said entity.† Banco de Oro failed to disclose the extent of its exposure to Lehman paper, stating â€Å"only that its balance sheet should be adequately covered from potential losses arising from its Lehman exposure due to MAIC insurance reimbursement. The provisions will come from reallocation of excess reserves and from additional provisions in the current period.† Banco de Oro, capitalised at â‚ ±89.8 billion, closed 15.4% down to â‚ ±33.[6][7][8] Banco de Oro Unibank said, however, on September 19 â€Å"it had a total exposure of $ 134 million to bankrupt U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers: This represents the face value of securities held in MAIC trust accounts by the bank. Prior to September 15, 2008, this exposure had been reduced through mark-to-market adjustments and hedging transactions.† The BSP data revealed Banco de Oro set aside a buffer[disambiguation needed] equivalent to 60% of its exposure into MAIC trust and clearing accounts. Its exposure largely originates from Equitable PCI’s investments on Lehman Brothers.[9][10]

Monday, July 29, 2019

Management & Budgetary Control and the Beyond Budgeting debate Essay

Management & Budgetary Control and the Beyond Budgeting debate - Essay Example During the recent years new ideas have emerged in the business world that challenge the traditional approach to budgeting and claim it not be fit for the current business environment as it is unable to fulfill the demands and requirements. It is both private and public sector that have adopted traditional approach to budgeting since very beginning and they find comfort in tradition even if it doesn’t suit the current business environment. The new ideas are revolutionary they compensate both future financial planning keeping in view non-financial factors that influence the performance and working of the organization (Moolchand, Narendra, & Koshina, 2012). Therefore this changing business world gives rise to the idea of â€Å"Beyond Budgeting† that provides a model beyond command and control towards a more adaptive, flexible and empowering model. Beyond Budgeting is being used to transform the performance potential of the organization it removes the shackles of annual bud get and at the same time allowing the employees to use their full power in the front line. Business environment especially in the past one decade has become much dynamic, complex, turbulent and uncertain. Adaptability is the greatest attribute that the organizations should possess in order to sustain in the market. Life cycles of the products have reduced with the continuous advancement in the technology innovation becomes a critical factor of success for the corporates. These details regarding the business and market environment signify that diversity along with flexibility is important for sustainable growth of the organization. It is not the organizations with huge capital and resources who can survive it is corporates that are adaptable would progress in future. Recent events in the business world raised the comments and the criticism over budgeting system that is in practice currently. It brings rigidity in the system, restricts movement and doesn’t limits

Sunday, July 28, 2019

British Petroleum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

British Petroleum - Research Paper Example With reference to the studies conducted by Vassiliou (2009), it is of essence to first note that British Petroleum (BP) is British multinational Oil and Gas Company, which has established its operations in over eighty countries across the World. Additionally, the company is ranked as the third largest energy company in the World and the fourth largest company in the word in terms of revenue earned. Norse and Amos (2010) in their writings stated that on the 20th of April 2010, there was an explosion at the coast of Louisiana, which originated from BP’s deep-sea petroleum rig that was used for drilling purposes. Following the explosion, the rig burnt down for more than thirty hours before it finally sank into the deep sea and during this time the hydrocarbons in the deep-sea oil reserve had started leaking onto the Gulf of Mexico and it took eighty-seven days to close the leak. According to Juhasv (2011), the accident at the deep sea caused the death of eleven people most of whom were employees of the company, and several people who were near the site of the accident suffered severe injuries. In addition, the oil spill resulted into one of the worst environmental pollution in the world history and it even caused certain illnesses that were related to the spill exposure to those who participated in the clean-up exercises and some of the residents of the gulf region. In regards to the company, it suffered huge economical expenses in the clean up and compensation exercises. This present research paper mainly seeks to analyze the communication strategy adopted by the company after the explosion and in what ways the company could improve its crisis communication strategies. According to Kotter (2012), when an organization is faced with any crisis, it is always important to communicate with all the stakeholders in order to maintain good relations with them. Equally, when BP was

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Launching a new product for P&G in Nigeria Coursework

Launching a new product for P&G in Nigeria - Coursework Example In terms of age, Aussie Shampoo should be segmented for young adults, teenagers, and middle aged people. Aussie shampoo should be segmented for people aged between 15 and 55. 168.1 is the total population of Nigeria. Among them, 105 million people used to consume and utilize shampoo in their daily life. The organization is trying to target people of the young generation and middle aged individuals for newly launched Aussie Shampoo as social demand for these differentiated shampoo products is significantly increased among the target customers. Therefore, the organization is targeting these 105 million potential Nigerian consumers for their newly launched Aussie Shampoo. In terms of the gender segment, the organization should segment both male and female customers as the organization has differentiated its product line according to the characteristics and taste of people of both genders. There are near about 95 million consumers aged between 15 and 55 use shampoos. Among those consumer s, 75 percent are the females and 25 percent are males. Females generally focus on different segments in shampoo such as moisturizer shampoo, silky and real volume etc. On the other hand, 25 percent male consumers in Nigeria generally focus on quantity and quality of products. In terms of the income segment, the organization should segment people of middle class, upper-middle class, and upper-class income segments for Aussie Shampoo due to urbanization and rise of the middle-class income earner.

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Conceptual Model for Evaluating of Market Segments Research Paper - 1

A Conceptual Model for Evaluating of Market Segments - Research Paper Example It is suggested by the analysis that a synthesis of these three models can potentially produce a holistic tool for evaluating segments; a tool which considers both the internal and external forces and which incorporates the firm’s specific needs. The evaluation of market segments is one of the most critical aspects in the entire segmentation analysis, given that the segments that are eventually selected by firms need to be attractive, measurable and substantial (Beane and Ennis, 1987; Sarabia, 1996). Segmentation is crucial because it provides a direction for marketing strategies to be developed; on the basis of segmentation firms design specific marketing activities targeting clusters of the market which shares some degree of homogeneity and which are likely to respond in a similar manner to marketing incentives (Jonker et al., 2004). According to Wind (1978) and Ou et al. (2009) segmentation should be not only approached through statistical measures which only provide a picture of the differences between various segments, but more consistently should be approached through subjective measures as well, which denote the essence of the judgements of the decision makers and as Sarabia (1996) stresses, the distinctiveness of each firm (and each firm’s needs). Thus evaluation of segments becomes of crucial importance because it shows, on the one hand, the attractiveness of each segment identified but this attractiveness is measured by incorporating the specific-firm aspects as well. In this paper, three models for evaluating segments are presented and assessed in terms of their strengths in an attempt to synthesize a theoretical framework for segment evaluation. Market segmentation is treated differently by many academic researchers and scholars. According to Beane and Ennis (1987), the existence of various approaches to market  segmentation reveals the different viewpoints on the subject.  

Austerity Measures Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Austerity Measures Summary - Assignment Example At first the author perceived that she can easily cope up with such a diet. The author stated that living on the food items provided and cooking them was very difficult for her as she had stopped cooking food on her own. She states that the food she was consuming never satisfied her or the other participants and only fulfilled the need of having food. Two days later the challenge required the participants to eat at St. Anthony’s where they were provided with food comprising of heavy quantity of calories. The author states that she was quite happy having that food. The author states that an official of the Hunger Challenge told her that poverty was a major issue in San Francisco and people were actually facing poverty due to expensive cost of living. The author states that the entire experience made her realized how difficult it was to live in poverty. She concludes that organizations that are out there to help the poor are very essential and they need to be heavily supported b y the common

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Current Remote Sensing Techniques Research Paper

Current Remote Sensing Techniques - Research Paper Example There are two major forms of remote sensing. They are: Passive remote sensing. Active remote sensing. Passive remote sensing involves detection of natural radiation that is reflected or emitted by the surrounding areas or the object. Passive remote sensors’ examples are radiometers and film photography. Active remote sensing on the other hand, involves a process of emitting energy that is to be used in scanning objects where a sensor detects and takes the measure of the radiation reflected from the target the examples of this active sensor collection are LiDAR and RADAR. Geography refers to the science that learns more about land, features, inhabitants and generally the phenomena of the globe. Remote sensing in geography therefore, refers to the process of gathering information about a place including the features in it, without necessarily visiting the place in person. This collection technique is done from a distance. In this equipment that is used for gathering information are mainly the cameras which can be based on aircrafts, satellites or on the ground. In the modern society, information obtained is stored up and manipulated in computers. Computers work with software therefore, the software used in remote sensing is ESRI, ERMapper, MapInfo and ERDAS Imagine. Remote sensing is a procedure which must follow certain steps. The steps involved in this process are: A supply of electromagnetic rays. Conduction of energy from the resource to the earth’s surface through the atmosphere Contact of EMR with the surface of the earth. Conduction of power from surface to Remote Sensor build up on a display place, through the atmosphere. Detection of power by the sensor. Conduction of sensor information to ground location Processing and scrutiny of the sensor information Final information output for a range of applications Remote sensing in geography started way back in the year 1858 where photographs were taken aerially from a hot air balloon. This was ini tiated by Tournachon Gaspard-Felix where he took photographs of Paris. Since then, remote sensing has developed and an example where it was performed after the initiation was in the United States of America. It was undertaken during the civil war where kites, unmanned balloons and messenger pigeons containing cameras were flown over areas where the enemies dwelled. This essay will specifically discuss about remote sensing in geography. This means that information contained therein will be on processes used to gather information on phenomenon and various features of the earth. In the modern society, remote sensing has become part of daily activities as it is highly used to gather information on geographical trends. Most of the organizations in the contemporary society take the initiative to learn more about geographical trends and get to know more about the environment generally. For these organizations to make effective research and gather enough information on phenomena, they have to use lots of cash on this field. This is one among many fields that is considered to be important in current years. The reasons as to why this field is considered important include: 1. Many individuals especially, students, researchers and other common citizens have developed interest in learning more about the environment. In this case, talking about the environ

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Plan - Essay Example These trading companies, once in a foreign land, used to try influencing the ruling class in order to strengthen their business goals. Gradually these companies also succeeded in capturing power in those countries, thus giving rise to the practice of imperialism. This practice also led to many wars around the world resisting the imperialistic trends. But the recent trend is different from the imperialistic trends. Now the liberalisation policies have opened up the turf for competition from all around. With multinational companies reaching out to almost all parts of the world, the smaller domestic companies have started feeling the competition. To study this phenomenon we will; 2. How the e-business saga emerged in the developed world followed in quick succession by the developing world nations. Asian region and some of the so-called lesser developing nations have emerged as key players in this globalisation regime. E-Business or online business activities are closely linked to the process of industrialisation, computerisation, IT penetration and overall development of the country’s economy. Developed nations in the western world have played a leading role in such matters; therefore, it is quite natural that these economies played a key role in the development and proliferation of e-business activities. But as the profit margins started shrinking, the economies of scale coupled with the size of the available market started becoming major factors in carrying forward the e-business opportunities. The Asian region led by countries like China and India, with billions of population and an equally dependable IT infrastructure started attracting the multinational companies (MNCs). On the one hand these MNCs started depending on the Asian region for production of goods and services because of lower production costs, on the other hand the availability of huge market also became an

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

HCM621-0804A-01 Ethics, Policy, and Law in Health Care Management - Essay - 7

HCM621-0804A-01 Ethics, Policy, and Law in Health Care Management - Phase 3 Discussion Board 2 - Essay Example Confidentiality laws and professional rules of behaviour allow the provider to release medical information only when it is required for your care, required by law, or necessary for the administration of your plan or support the providers programs or operations that evaluate quality service. Let you participate with your health care providers in health decisions and have them give you information about your medical condition and your treatment options, regardless of benefits coverage or cost. Health care provider should fulfill its obligations to its members in order to have a mutual relationship. By doing this the provider can achieved its goal in strengthening consumer confidence. The provider should provide its consumer with effective ways to address their concerns, and encourages them to take an active role in improving and assuring their health. In order to reaffirm the importance of a strong relationship between patients and their health care providers the provider should respect their consumers’ rights. And vice versa the consumer should be cooperative enough in order for the provider to give the needed and required services. Consumers want to be treated with respect and fairly. To provide and maintain a quality health care system the consumer and the provider should have a mutual respect. Cases wherein there is discrimination on the services provided should be given focused. One important factor that a consumer is very particular of is the assurance that their identity should be treated with confidentiality. The provider can disseminate information about the consumer only if needed and required by law. On the other hand the consumer should also give respect to the provider. The consumer should be cooperative enough in order to help the provider to give services that they needed. The consumer should also do its part in order to have a better

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Castle Essay Example for Free

The Castle Essay â€Å"Texts convey certain attitudes and beliefs that help define who we are and how we relate to the world around us† Discuss the attitudes and beliefs that are highlighted in you prescribed text and two related texts of your own choosing. The term global village refers to the idea that individual countries and communities are affected by the media, electronic communications and cheap air travel that their traditions and beliefs are challenged. These challenges may be positive or negative as it makes people to reassess their attitudes and beliefs. There have been numbers of areas of challenges and two of them are food and multi-culturalism. These challenges are explicitly presented in the film directed by Rob Stitch, The Castle, and a number of related materials. One aspect of the global village which is effectively represented by Sitch in The Castle is the attitude towards the food from diverse cultures which exists in Australia. Kerrigan family is very contented with their rather bland and preservative diet which they share in their family home. Sitch represents this situation by repeatedly filming the dining of Kerrigan family. Sitch focuses on the food menus and they are just ordinary Australian food. This shows that Kerrigan family has yet not encountered many diverse food cultures such as Vietnamese and Thai which exists in Australia. Dale, the narrator, comments in an enthusiastic tone that, â€Å"Dad thinks mum is the greatest cook on earth† so when she serves them a rather ordinary looking cake Daryl asks, â€Å"what do you call that, darl? ’† Sal’s simple answer of â€Å"Sponge cake† sums up that this family have yet to really come to grips with the astronomical influence of the global village on Australian cuisine. He states glowingly just how he feels about Sal’s cooking when he says, â€Å"Why go out to a restaurant when this keeps coming up night after night†. Eating meals together is represented as an important family tradition. Daryl’s attitude strongly contrasts with the words of the song from Scene Four of Noelle Janaczewska’s play Blood Orange. In this short play, it explores aspects of global village in Australia. Repetition of ‘Coles is selling tabouli, lemon grass and parmesan cheese! ’ accentuates that a whole range of food from different ethnic backgrounds exists in Australia and even one of Australian food market ‘Coles’ is selling them. Cultural challenges to taste buds are certainly another strong influence in increasing tolerance and acceptance of Australia’s different ethics groups and cultures which are consistently reaffirming that Australia is indeed an excellent example of the concept of the global village. Another aspect of the global village which emerges from the experiences of the Kerrigan family in the film The Castle is that Australia is a multi-cultural country with immigrants from a range of countries. Sitch reveals multi-culturalism in Australia through various characters in the film. The Kerrigans are a very self sustaining family but even they have to open their door and minds to people of different ethnic backgrounds. Sitch is able to represent this in the way Daryl interacts easily with ‘new Australians’. Daryl is portrayed making a real effort at Tracey and Con’s wedding to show his acceptance of a different culture by commenting jokingly on the Greek tradition of breaking plates. He also learned ‘Good Evening’ in Greek which pleased Con’s family. Daryl welcomes Con to their family saying that while Con might be different â€Å"anyone who loves our Trace as much as us deserves our love. So we love you Con. We love you†. Sitch celebrates in a positive way this genuine acceptance of others in the way Con is presented as one of the family up at Bonny Doon and in the family home on returning from Thailand; he is obviously one of the family. Farouk is a neighbour of the Kerrigans and he too is a part of Daryl’s circle of neighbours. Farouk comes to Daryl for leadership and help with English when the letters of compulsory acquisition arrives. Daryl does the same assisting Jack and Yvonne who also are his neighbours. Therefore Daryl’s leadership and kindness to others in his neighbourhood, whether they are Australians or immigrants shows the vibrant part of the global village. An article â€Å"I now call Australia home†, written by Nick Gianopoulos is a relevant piece of related material on the global village which supports the idea of Australia as a multi-cultural country. Gianopoulos talks of the difficulty growing up as a son of Greek immigrant during the 60’s from racism. Similarly with Daryl Kerrigan, Gianopoulos says that Australia has changed to accept people from around the world as part of the Australian mainstream. â€Å"Our cultures are better understood. We’ve even become trendy’. He also believes that we now need to continue to extend that understanding and acceptance to our newest Australians from Asia. Daryl’s and Giannopoulos’ experiences strongly reflect upon the aspect of global village that Australia is a multi-cultural country. As Australia rapidly grows into a multi-cultural country, people are challenged to their beliefs and attitudes. In conclusion Sitch’s film The Castle and related materials â€Å"Blood Orange† and â€Å"I now call Australia home† has effectively revealed and represented how the two aspects of global village could challenge people’s attitudes and beliefs. Through food, it showed the difficulty that Kerrigan’s family encountered. However Kerrigans adapted well to accept multi-culturalism into their neighbourhood and family.

Islamic And Conventional Worldview

Islamic And Conventional Worldview Worldview refers to a general conception of the nature of the world , particularly as containing or implying a system of value-principles. Any total philosophical system may be so styled which derives practical consequences from its theoretical componentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦... According to that definition, such a system of value-principles may be inspired by religious tenets or by moral philosophy independent of religion. And also, the distinctive spiritual and material aspect of the society and individual lives in often end to mold their worldview. Therefore, in making a choice, someone is imperative to look at the worldview dynamics from the different social systems rest on. Individual in a society can still have their own principles or variations, but hopefully their average behavior would tend to conform to the norms of what has socially been agreed upon. Worldview is considered as evolutionary and architectonic rather than contextual. Social phenomena are dynamic and because of the interaction between the changing realities of life and the social worldview perception, the latter invariably has a temporal dimension. Thus, worldview remains in a process of change and reconstruction over time around some unalterable elements. Therefore, because of worldview is coming from human being, it then starts to think about religious worldview, such as Islamic worldview. Since factors affecting worldview differ, different worldview exits, leading to different system for different people. Secular and materialist worldview attach minimum importance to the material aspect of human well being and tend to ignore the importance of the spiritual aspect. They often argue that maximum material well-being can be best solution if the individuals are given unhindered freedom to pursue their self interest and to maximize their want satisfaction in keeping with their own tastes and preferences. In their extreme form they do not recognize any role for divine guidance in human life and place full trust in the ability of human beings to chalk out the proper with the help of their reason. That understanding of religion actually is not necessarily accepted nor applicable to all societies and civilization. The Christian civilization has experience and history which is inclined to secularize as follows : à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â €š ¬Ã‚ ¦ this dichotomy between the religious and the remainder of human life is a western product and concernà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. This distinction between the sacred and profane, between religion and other aspects of human endeavor is a result of the process of secularization that has been the experiences of Christian/Western civilization especially since the 17th century (Encyclopedia of Religion 12, 1987). Thus, in such worldview, there is little role for values or government intervention in the efficient and equitable allocation and distribution of resources. When we identify whether social interest is served, the answer is that, government has given to everyone to pursue his/her interest, and they argue that social interest will automatically serve. There is no doubt that under its secular and materialist worldview, the market system led to a long period of prosperity, however, this unprecedented prosperity did not lead to the elimination of poverty or the fulfillment of everyones needs in conformity with the Judeo-Christian value system even in the wealthiest countries. Even, Marx which is proponent of socialist ideology, came up with the notion, the methodological struggle for economists was to alienate political economy from ethics. It is with Marx that the methodological problem in political economy became the demarcation of economic science from the ideology. So, the question later on, is there a place for morality in economics? Leading thinkers on methodological issues have adopted definitions of economics that put the subject in a wider perspective, and ultimately raise moral and religious issues. Pareto pointed out that political economy did not have to take morality into account, but an economist who extolled a particular practical measure should consider the moral as well as the economic consequences. Real men included not only homo oeconomicus, but also homo ethicus and homo religious. However, the economists who, in commending in law, consider only the economic effect was, in Paretos view, not much of a theories. When science become advance, then not only are the different parts of a phenomenon separated, but they are subsequently put together in a synthesis. Hence, the economic, ethical, and religious consequences have all to be taken into account. Nobel-laureate Amartya Sen has, therefore, rightly argued that the distancing of economics from ethics has impoverished welfare economics and also weakened the basis of a good deal of descriptive and predictive economics and that economics can be made more productive by paying greater and more explicit attention to ethical consideration that shaped human behavior and judgment. Hausman and McPherson also conclude in their survey article Economics and Contemporary Moral Philosophy that An economy that is engaged actively and self-critically with the moral aspects of its subject matter cannot help but more interesting and more illuminating and, ultimately, more useful than one that tries not to be . In contrast with this, religious worldview give attention to both the material as well as the spiritual aspect of human well-being. Islam also support to that statement. In Islam, the dichotomy and separation from other aspects of life are considered as contradictory, incoherent, and meaningless. Since religion of Islam is not human creation of, and for infantile man but it is a representative of a way of life for all times. Islam has come up with the concept of din, which is perfectly being taught ,including the Islamic worldview. As mentioned by Watt (1979, 3-4), the term din refer more to a :à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..whole way of lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦covers both the private and public/societal lives of man, it permeates the whole fabric of society, and included theological dogma, forms of worship, political theory, and a detailed code of conduct, including even matters which the European would classify as hygiene or etiquetteà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. In addition, an Islamic worldview gives the meaning and purpose in our act ions. It also dealing with why and how we exist, and it means that actually what ethical or moral values we should partake in, later on what type of behavior or actions we should consider as right or wrong. This is closely related with the concept of din in Islam. Since din is meant the place which man tested and asked by God to follow the straight path of the din. Therefore, all knowledge, notably economics discipline, is basically corrigible except the knowledge revealed by God. Furthermore, under the Islamic worldview, God has created the universe for the benefit of all creatures; with man made as His vicegerent. He has made the resources of the universe available to man who has the responsibility to make the best use of these resources without spreading corruption. ISLAMIC WORLDVIEW AND MAQASID AS SYARIAH The Islamic worldview also has well spell out objectives known as maqasid al-syariah. These are meant to promote the welfare of the entire mankind, and enjoin on believers the safeguarding of their faith, their human self, their intellectual, their posterity, and their wealth. Furthermore, in dealings with this, Islam has encouraged co-operation to achieve Maslahah (benefit in every day communal life. The other parts of maqasid is establishing justice which is indeed a manifestation of gods mercy, but may also be seen as a principal objective of the shariah in its own right. Justice as a value or primary objective of the shariah which is everyone in Islam must establish an equilibrium between rights and obligations. The other purposes of maqasid is to educating the individual. In fact, in order to priority, it may even though to be placed before maslahah and adl. Essentially, community oriented values that acquire much of their meaning in the context of social relations, whereas the former seeks to make each individual a trustworthy agent just so as to strive to realize these values which benefit himself and the community. Indeed, the overall purpose of a great number of the stipulation of the shariah, especially in the spheres of Ibadah and akhlaq, is to train the individual to acquire the virtues of taqwa, and thus, to aid the fulfillment of the objective. ISLAMIC WORLDVIEW AND ISLAMIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE Islamic worldview is one of paradigm which are Muslim must be having. Islamic worldview is considered as purpose in our actions, since it gives the answers to questions dealing with why and how we exist. Therefore, Islamic worldview is able to direct on what type of behavior or actions we should consider right or wrong. As worldview also is defined as how one sees the world. Hence, value is attached to knowledge that one receives, because the information is processed by the knowledge-giver first before it passed down to the recipient. This knowledge, together with the value attached to it, is then assimilated into ones mental framework and worldview. Accordingly, due to the impact of worldviews and the values attached to knowledge that would impact ones perspective on life. Having viewed the important of knowledge, the Islamic scholars, such as Al Attas and Ismail Al-Faruqi come up with the notion, called to Islamization of Knowledge (IOK). Hence, IOK is a term which describes a vari ety of attempts and approaches to synthesize the ethics of Islam. Al- Attas adds up that the fundamental crisis of the modern-day ummah to be epistemological in nature-that is having its roots in the very conception of knowledge. This brought about the contents of their education by willing to take bold measure and introduce curriculum reform in particularly Islamic economics programme. Also, the further challenge in terms of knowledge, is that, the curriculum must has the ability to shed light the different between what is considered as knowledge and not. Al-Attas adds up to identify the confusion of knowledge must be eliminated et all since it can exhaust the moral values of Ummah and lead to a loss of adab and subsequently the rise of false leaders that would exacerbate the confusion of knowledge. Having realized of what important the IOK agenda is, we have to deal with the concept of existing modern knowledge which have been embodied in current system and how to develop IOK. In terms of the modern knowledge, Al-Attas had given his conception, is that, every Muslims have to call for the recognition of the proper authorities of knowledge. This means that since the modern knowledge or the west knowledge is at the forefront of science and technology and hence, Muslims are urge d to learn from them. However, the Muslim should possess the metaphysical (Islamic) worldview necessary to filter out theories, that are not in line with the aqidah and tasawwuf. He also noted that Muslim, in pursuit the knowledge, does not just stop at the reinterpretation of secular knowledge, but also should also possess the ability to form and establish new theories and solutions that support the Islamic worldview. And finally, the Muslim should be aware the supreme goal for knowledge is that the spiritual and immaterial in nature. Subsequently, to conduct IOK agenda need to further discussions and interpretations. The spirit of how to perform IOK agenda is that, the notion to integrate the two education stream, the heritage and modern knowledge. Later on, in this context, Al-Alwani (1989, p.89) states that the IOK agenda require the combination of two readings. Therefore, the IOK agenda requires six discourses, namely articulating the Islamic paradigm of knowledge and developing a Quranic Methodology, establishing a methodology which is dealing with the Quran and Sunnah, reexamining the Islamic intellectual heritage, dealing with the western intellectual heritage. Beside Al-Alwani, Ragab (1995, 1997, and 1999) was propounded the idea of creative engagement which ultimately was proposing a unified integral theoretical framework. He also signifies that the Islamizers should be qualified which are able to understand and mastery the substantive knowledge in the modern sciences , and has to involve in an understanding of the Islamic Worldview, and capable of propounding a critical evaluation and modification of modern social sciences from an Islamic viewpoint. Wan Mohd. Nor, 1998, also attempts to note that IOK can be done by those who have a profound grasp of the nature, spirit, and attributes of Islam as religion, culture, and civilization as well as western culture and civilization. Unless the Islamizers clearly understand the Islamic worldview, they may not know what need to be isolated and what need to be infused, what are acceptable, what are not and what the Islamic alternatives are. Since, according to Al-Attas, IOK is an epistemological and methodological concern, dealing with how Islamically creative minds can evaluate modern knowledge using Islamic benchmarks. Thus, at the end of the process, Islamizers fervently wish to come up with idea of reconstruction or reformulation of contemporary knowledge and disciplines, either those existing or the creation of new disciplines if necessary. CONCLUSION Islamic worldview is considered and defined as general conception of the nature of the world in Islamic perspective. It contains a system of values principles, which based on dien of Islam. Islamic worldview would give meanings and purpose of all actions done by human beings, particularly Muslims. Muslims will be guided and directed to the area of inline with aqidah, tasawuff, and syariah principles and values. Ethical or moral values is viewed to be a central and basic every endeavor in performing activities, which are categorized as ibadah or muamalah. Subsequently, one attempts to apply and synthesize the ethic of Islam with modern thought is by introducing Islamization of Knowledge (IOK). IOK seems to be essential to be established is shedding out and considered as positive ways to mitigate the problem of corruption of knowledge which is believed has brought up the backwardness of Muslims ummah. In its implementation, IOK agenda is trying to integrate between the heritage of Isla m with modern knowledge by undertaking a certain methodology. Certainly, integrating of two types of knowledge need a qualified Islamizer which require to understand the Islamic worldview comprehensively and perfectly. The future of Conventional Accounting The traditional Western double-entry based accounting technology is well-suited to an orthodox, positivist society of any kind. It is not surprising that it is proving inadequate, as people are returning to more integrated world views, whether Islamic or otherwise (Hayashi, 1989) Critics on Conventional Accounting Externalities is not included in financial report (Lee Parker, environmental accounting) Intangible asset cannot be measured adequately(Lev Baruch) Human resources and employee reporting interest are not included. Social Interest is overlooked Promote the exploitation of capitalist over labor and society. Promote the concentration of wealth and power o the hand of the rich. What is Islam? Peace (in this world and hereafter) obedience to Allah as his/her God, comply with the motivation of Gods creation of Man, which is to serve Allah, to be his viceregent on earth. A comprehensive worldview, a unity of God, and an integration between world and hereafter. Islamic principles: truth, justice, fair, goodwill, honesty, benevolent, accountability before the God. Islams epistemology of Devine Unity: The Islamic world view is thereby, the comprehensive and universalizing, overreaching and complementing design of reality that is premise on the epistemology of divine unity and is evolved into intellection through the process orientation model of unification of knowledge in world system as derived from the primal sources of divine unity. Islamic Rules: Allah (God) gives two guidance for mankind: al-Quran (revealed world of God ) and Hadist/Sunnah: Prophet Saying, Gods inspired acts, description of the conduct of the prophets companion of which Mohammad was uncritical. Ijtihad/ijma: shuratic and consensus process. Guidance are related to all daily life of mankind including in business, management, and finance. The phenomena of nature can be also a sign of Gods power and existence. The purpose of shariah (Islamic law) To promote the welfare of the people which lies on: Safeguarding of their faith Their life Their intellect Their posterity and Their Wealth Quranic verse on Accounting i.e. Albaqarah (2) ayah 282: Oh you who believe! When you deal with each other, in transaction involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them in writing. Let a scribe write down faithfully as between parties. There is an integration between worship ritual and socio-economy-politico and daily life of mankind. Allah rules out business and accounting. Islamic accounting: Hayashi is an integrated discipline with social, political and economic domain ruled by Allah or meta rule. Islamic accounting should regulate and establish a harmonious integration among the parties of these diverse domain. Ancient Accounting Role in Islamic State is Muhasabah, it means: Calculation of ones act Clear the account, make neutral To take care of, to try to find To anticipate a reward in the hereafter To take into account, into consideration To order Muslim to perform their duties To avoid fraudulent practices in business and society, to check illegal contract, keep free market and fair price, prevent necessities from being hoarded. (Hayashi, 1989) Islamic Accounting 1. To report accurate income determination 2. To promote efficiency and leadership 3. To comply with the shariah (Islamic principles) 4. Commitment to justice 5. To report a good things 6. To adapt to positive social change. Conventional vs Islamic Accounting: Conventional Accounting: Based upon modern commercial law-permissive rather than ethical Limited disclosure (provision of information subject to public interest) Personal accountability (focus on individuals who control resources) Economic rationalism Secular Individualistic Profit maximization Survival of fittest Process Absolute ownership (Ec. rationalism: the desire to stand apart from others, to compete, to manipulate and to amass surplus) Individuality oriented Focus on individuality aspect without consider any social aspects Accounting Law and Ethics Secular The normative accounting always influencing descriptive accounting or individuality interest In operational, they permit everything to reach the highest profit Measure as highest possible profit Historical Cost Firm doses not have separate financial obligation (I.e profit sharing scheme) Depend on contractual agreement between party One lunar year for zakat calculation Quantity based and monetary based (zakat calculation) Importance for fulfillment of duties and obligation to God, society and individual. Clear conscience with God in fulfilling all duties. Consistence to shariah rules Most favorable to society (justice) Islamic Accounting Based upon ethical law originating in the Quran (Islamic law, As-Sunnah) Full disclosure (to satisfy any reasonable demand for information in accordance with the Sharia) Public accountability (focus on the community who participate in exploiting resources) Unity of God Religious Communal Reasonable profit Equity Environment Relative ownership Focus on society aspect Basically Al Quran As Sunnah (Shariah) Religious (must responsibility to God at the Judgment Day) No differentiation between Normative and Descriptive Accounting (They always going simultaneously) In operational, they do everything in boundaries of Islam (Shariah) Measure as saleable value Market (selling) price rather than historical cost [Entity]Separation between business and owners [going concern] Business continues forever [Accounting period] Periodical measurement of performance [unit of measure] Monetary Value [Full disclosure principle] Decision making process [objectivity] Reliability of measurement [Materiality] Relative importance of information for decision making [Consistency] Consistency based on GAAP [Conservatism] Use least favorable impact on owners

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategic Review of LOreal External Environment

Strategic Review of LOreal External Environment This essay firstly introduce LOreal and their main operations in recent years, and then emphasize to analysis their external environment, such as P.E.S.T analysis, five forces analysis, sector level analysis and product life cycles analysis. And in the end analysis the opportunities and threats which the company faces over next 3-5 years 2. Company and Product Overview The LOREAL Group is the worlds largest cosmetics and beauty company and it headquartered in the Paris suburb of Clichy, France. LOREAL has developed activities in the field of cosmetics, concentrating on hair color, skin care, sun protection, make-up, perfumes and hair care. LOREAL is active in the dermatological and pharmaceutical fields. LOREAL is also the top nanotechnology patent-holder in the United States. à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%E2%80%99Orealà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° It operates in over 130 countries. It markets 18 brands through two divisions, cosmetics and dermatology. The cosmetics division of LOREAL has four segments: professional products, consumer products, luxury products and active cosmetics. The dermatology segment includes dermatological and pharmaceutical activities of the company. LOREAL got its start in the hair-color business, but the company soon branched out into other cleansing and beauty products. LOREAL now markets over 500 brands and many thousands of individual products in all sectors of the beauty business: hair color, permanents, styling aids, body and skin care, cleansers and fragrances. They are found in all distribution channels, from hair salons and perfumeries to hyper and supermarkets, health/beauty outlets, pharmacies and direct mail. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27Oreal) 3. External environmental analysis 3.1 P.E.S.T Analysis PEST analysis stands for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological analysis and describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management. 3.1.1 Political and Legal Forces The political challenge is that LOreal should conform to all the different government leadership styles in various countries it operates within. LOreal faced a decline in the dermatology branch led by its Galderma brand due to new legislations governing drugs (Euromonitor, 2005). The EU law affects LOreal. LOreal is restricted in their use of certain kinds of chemicals, such as Phthalates which is carcinogenic (The Rules Governing Cosmetic Products in the European Union). LOreal is obligated to produce safe products that do not contain any harmful substances. Also, legislation for advertising is also affecting LOreal. LOreal has to follow the rules set by Advertising Standards Authority. For example, advertisements cannot be misleading that over-exaggerating the functions of a product (The Control of Misleading Advertisements Regulations 1988). Recent policy developments in the European Union (EU), that is the safety of cosmetics is directed standards. Seventh Amendment cosmetics directive finally approved by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, It is expected an immediate ban on animal testing products and a total ban on animal testing of cosmetics raw materials, no later than six years to implement the directive. (Anonymous,http://www.jrc.ec.europa.eu/more_information/download/ecvam2.pdfà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° In addition, It needs an immediate ban on new cosmetics sales (of finished products and raw materials) and the experimental animal alternative methods have been tested in ecvam and accept the existence of the ban on the sale of cosmetics, on human health affected to a certain extent. It is thought that LOreal should fully understand these policies, and to avoid a violation of these policies and regulations, strictly control chemical products and related banned substances content 3.1.2 Economic Environment Analysis LOreal should adapt to all the different economic environments and problems in all countries it operates in. For example in 2004, LOreal was affected by the continued weakness of the dollar and other currencies. Economic crisis is a bad news for LOreal, The world GDP is fall sharply from 2007 to 2009, The economic downturn will be a great chanllege for the development of LOreal Although the growth last year is below that in 2008 due to the financial crisis, it is fortunate that it still met the target, said Paolo Gasparrini, president of LOreal China, at the 6th China Young Women in Science Fellowship Award Ceremony sponsored by LOreal in Beijing Tuesday. In the first three quarters of 2009, LOreals total gross sales increased 0.7 percent compared to last year, of which growth in Asia, where the Chinese market is a large contributor, totaled 21.2 percent, he said. (http://msn.huanqiu.com/bizchina/2010-01/700911.html) 3.1.3 Social Environment Analysis The culture of countries in which a business operates can be of particular importance. The culture of a country consists of the values, attitudes and beliefs of its people. (David Campbell, George Stonehouse and Bill Houston: 119). For example, with modern standard of living continues to improve and the level education get higher and higher, the social increasingly recognize the external image, and people are increasingly focusing on the image appearance, the demand of quality and effectiveness of cosmetic and related skin care products become higher and higher. 3.14 Technological Environment Analysis Changes in technology affect the products available to consumers and business, the quality of the products and their functionality. (David Campbell, George Stonehouse and Bill Houston. 124). Todays society is constantly changing, technology updates means that the product updates, cosmetic update speed, short product life cycles, a cosmetics market, we should immediately prepare for the next period. As the technology develops, people can be more channels to purchase products, business and customer contacts more and more ordinary. So technology is the enterprise competitive advantage. Along with the development of science and technologyà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’ the latest scientific and technological achievements and advanced technologies rapidly apply in cosmetics industries, particularly biotechnology, nanometer technology, information technology, electronics technology, which provide a lot of opportunities for the development of cosmetics industry. LOreal has strong research and development (RD) capability, According to new technological development, the company registered 529 patents related to cosmetics and dermatology in 2005. (http://dbic.datamonitor.com/companies/company ) 3.2 Five Forces Analysis According to Porters five forces which determine the nature of competition within an industry. The five forces are: The threat of new entrants to the industry; The threat of substitute products; The power of buyers or customers; The power of suppliers; (to business in the industry) Rivalry among businesses in the industry. Force 1: It is thought that because cosmetic industry needs products quality inspection for safety, and large investments which including technology and a great deal of capital, it is difficult to enter the cosmetic industry. However, at present, there is few entrants can threat LOREAL. Force 2: By reason of many personal cosmetics may contain a series of potentially toxic compounds, including artificial membrane. One research found cosmetics containing some spices and xylene which easily lead to the abortion of pregnant women. Many facial cream are also contain compounds which similar with the role of female hormones. So the threat of substitutes is using pure natural products. Force 3: According to a survey commissioned by New Woman magazine and published in April 2006, the average woman is estimated to spend a staggering  £182,528 on beauty products between the ages of 18 and 80. 5,000 women were questioned, (Anonymous, http://www.keynote.co.uk/kn2k1) eight in ten of whom said they wore make-up every day and almost half of whom admitted that they would not leave the house without it. So the power of buyers is very strong, which is very favorable to LOREAL. Force 4: LOREAL products were sold in many large department stores or supermarkets. The suppliers are all have strong bargaining power. So LOrà ©al should develop a close partnership with suppliers, in order to sell products better. Force 5: The global cosmetics business is intensely competitive, with a few big corporations and a large number of small companies vying for market share. The company competes against global companies such as Avon, Està ©e Lauder, Procter Gamble, Revlon, and a number of smaller companies as well. Of late, those bigger companies sharpened their focus on the market of beauty and personal care products. Increased competition may lead LOrà ©al to price reductions, reduced profit margins and loss of market share. 3.3 Strategic Space/Group Analysis A business can rarely confine its analysis to the level of the industry and markets in which it operates. It must also pay particular attention to its closest competitors who are known as its strategic group. PRICE BRANDING INTENSITY LOW HIGH LOW HIGH Està ©e Lauder Avon Revlon P G LOrà ©al From the strategy groups above, it is obviously that LOrà ©al has a high branding intensity and medium price, therefore compare with other competitor LOrà ©al has competitive advantage. 3.4 Life Cycles Analysis Generally speaking, cosmetic products are in the maturity period of the product life cycle. In this period users tend to saturation and users repeat purchase reliance. In competitive condition competitor fight to maintain market share, but it is difficulty in gaining market share. All competitors emphasis on low cost (efficiency). LOrà ©al should pay attention to the quality of products and improve the packing, in order to keep old customers and attract new customers. 4. Opportunity and threat analysis over next 3-5 years 4.1 Opportunities It is thought that LOrà ©al faces the following opportunities and threats, these main changes will influence the companys planning over the next 3-5years. First of all, it is thought that the opportunity of LOREAL is aging population. The most developed countries are already highly aging society, aged 60 or older in the proportion of the population is above 15%, and for example the percentage of the US population who are over 55 years is forecast to increase from 20% in 2007 to 33% in 2027. (Anonymous, http://dbic.datamonitor.com/companies/company ) This is likely to increase demand for anti-aging products. LOREAL successfully launched many anti-aging products in 2007, including RevitaLift Double Lifting, Collagen Filler, and Lancomes Renergie Morpholift. As aging baby boomers attempt to preserve their looks through anti-aging products, LOREAL will not be short of opportunities. The second opportunity is proposed acquisition of Body Shop. As the rapidly growing of personal care products market, demand for the products is rising as consumers shift to products which are safer and more eco-friendly. The natural personal care products market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 12% a year, to reach an estimated $1 billion in 2010. (Anonymous, http://dbic.datamonitor.com/companies/company) The proposed acquisition of the UK-based Body Shop International, a company founded by Anita Roddick that uses primarily organically-derived ingredients, would allow LOREAL to capitalize on the growing demand for natural personal care products. Thirdly, the growth of India and China. LOREAL could offset weak performance in Western Europe by expanding its presence in fast-growing markets such as India and China. The company already has a presence in these two countries, whose economies are forecasted to grow at a high rate in the coming years. In 2007, the companys sales in China grew by 27% while sales in India expanded by 46%. (Anonymous,http://dbic.datamonitor.com/companies/company)Further expansion in China and India may help LOREAL overcome sluggish growth in Western Europe. 4.2 Threats Howeverà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’it is thought that there are three main threats which will influence LOREAL. Firstly, Economic crisis is a bad news for LOreal, The economic downturn will be a great chanllege for the development of LOreal The secondly, the competition is intense in the market. The global cosmetics business is intensely competitive, with a few big corporations and a large number of small companies vying for market share. The company competes against global companies such as Revlon, Estee Lauder and Procter Gamble, (Anonymous, http://dbic.datamonitor.com/companies/company ) in addition to a number of smaller companies. Recently, some big companies have sharpened their focus on beauty and personal care products market, as well as emerging markets. Increased competition could result in price reductions, reduced profit margins and loss of market share. The third one are new regulations. Several consumer protection groups are voicing concerns over the presence of harmful chemical ingredients in cosmetic products. A recent study showed that about one-third of cosmetic products contain known carcinogens. (http://dbic.datamonitor.com/companies/company ) Due to increasing public pressure, in US the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to impose stringent quality norms on cosmetic products. (Anonymous, http://dbic.datamonitor.com/companies/company ) New regulations may delay the launch of new products and result in higher product development expenditure, not to mention the possible effects of the adverse publicity generated by the new regulations. The last one is counterfeiting. The counterfeiting of popular cosmetic products has increased in recent years. Increasing sales of counterfeit products negatively impact the companys sale. Low quality counterfeits also reduce consumer confidence in the products of a company. More important, the companys key differentiator, exclusivity, is damaged by counterfeiting operations. Widespread counterfeits reduce the exclusiveness of the companys brands. Counterfeit products not only deprive the company of revenues, but also dilute the reputation of the brand. 5. Conclusion According the discuss above, it is conclusion that among LOrà ©als external environment, it is thought that the competition of cosmetic and fragrance market become more and more drastic, especially faced with strong competitors, and it is thought that there are opportunities and threats to LOrà ©al, the company should take advantage of these opportunities and to etain its status as the leader of cosmetic and fragrance industry. Word :1779

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Quantum Cryptography Essay -- Codes Cryptography Symbols Essays

Quantum Cryptography Keeping secrets and passing information that is undetected has long been the goal of cryptographers. Codes have been written and then broken keeping cryptographers in constant search for the unbreakable code. Until recently, that goal seemed unreachable; however, a solution to the once impossible question seems to have surfaced. Quantum cryptography delves down into the world of very small particles, where there are entirely new ways of building ciphers. ("Arrives" 2) Quantum cryptography is a relatively recent discovery in the world of cryptography and is still being tested by the government for distance and practicality. Most recently, researchers at government-owned QinetiQ PLC and Ludwig-Maximilans-University demonstrated a nighttime key exchange using quantum cryptography over 23.4 km between the mountaintops at Zugspitze and Karwendelspitze in Germany (Bains 1). To understand how quantum cryptography works, one must first be familiar with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. According to Heisenberg, when one tries to measure a quantum particle (a very small particle), the particle is altered in such a way that your measurement cannot be completely accurate. The particle is disturbed and its appearance before the attempted measurement can no longer be determined. ("Arrives" 3). In quantum cryptography, there are four different particles. The particles are identified by their positions: – (horizontal); | (vertical); / (left diagonal); \ (right diagonal). The particles are measured by the receiver with a filter, and predictably, the vertical filter allows vertical particles through, the horizontal filter allows horizontal particles through, and so on. Here, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle thro... ...he key that Bob is using, Alice is free to read any message Bob sends; however, Bob will be at a loss to decipher anything that Alice sends his way. While it is virtually impossible to eavesdrop using quantum cryptography, the system is only as reliable as the sender and the recipient. Works Cited "Special Report: Quantum Cryptography Arrives." PC Magazine. 6 pages. 6 August 2002. Article A90181639 (Infotrac). Bains, Sunny. "Alice and Bob grow apart. (Quantum Cryptography)." Laser Focus World. 2 pages. May 2002. v. 38. i.5. Article A86506297 (Infotrac). "The end of the code war? Quantum cryptography; The uncertainty principle and codes. (Science and Technology)." The Economist (US). 3 pages. 23 June 2001. Article A75710312 (Infotrac). Peterson, Ivars. "Quantum Cheating." Science News. 2 pages. 14 June 1997. v.151i. 24. Article A19524070 (Infotrac).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith to Tim Burton :: Compare Contrast Comparison

Comparing Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith to Tim Burton Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith's Baloney (HENRY P.) and Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas illustrations encourage us to see the world through a distorted lens. I would like to compare how similar but yet how different the two illustrators are in the way they show their work in a distorted view. Scieszka and Smith have made Henry P. a different kind of sci-fi adventure of a boy explaining to his teacher why he was late to school. Smith has detailed the illustrations as they follow what the text says with a distorted twist. For example, when Henry was explaining that he ended up on the planet astrosus with astro guys, Smith illustrated an astro guy with pointy eyebrows, a sharp nose, and a red spiky tongue flicking out to catch Henry in his red space suit. The astro guy is not what we expect from an alien like creature, he had an odd shaped, distinctive head that would make heads turn twice. The effect of Smith's illustrations here make us look at the world critically. Henry's red space suit makes you get a feel for his personality and makes you wonder why his story is interesting. Scieszka shows another distorted way of Henry's world of imagination, when Henry says, "I was only three seconds away from zerplatzen all over the speelplaats" (Scieszka). Smith creates this by showing the backside of Henry (focal point) falling through the red space, past the white shadowy moon. One of his silver gloves flying alone through the air by the odd, jagged, red rocks. Smith varies the in your face colors surrounding Henry to make him look like he is actually falling through space. The streaks pointing toward the center (Henry) creates a striking image by the brightness of the tones. Henry said, "I suddenly remembered...that falling bodies obey the law of gravity. And I haven't learned the law of gravity yet. So I stopped and came to szkola" (Scieszka). Smith does not let him stall in space, he has him floating in the red sky among the orange-whitish clouds with sparkles in his eyes. The green of Henry's body and clothes contrasts with the red/orange and makes him the focus of the page. The illustrations do not pay attention to gravity by being off balance. Smith has made this story colorful and exciting through his illustrations.

Will Canada Become The 51st St :: essays research papers

Is Canada going to be swallowed up by the United States? A political cartoon based on Pierre Trudeau's famous quote, 'Living next to you (the United States) is like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even tempered is the beast, one is affected by every twist and grunt.'; was made. This means when something occurs in the United States, we too are affected. If the United States goes to war, because we belong to N.A.T.O., Canada would support their position. If McDonalds, an American based company, were to close down, then many Canadian workers would lose their jobs since McDonalds is well established in Canada. Many Canadian businesses are American owned, such as Ford, Burger King, Chevrolet, Wendy's, and Walmart to name a few. Also, many more sports teams are owned in America than in Canada. For example, only 5 hockey teams exist in Canada, while the United States has at least 5 times more teams. Our players must be payed in American funds, and one American dollar i s worth $1.50 in Canada. Those are some ways Canada is being swallowed by the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, Canada is a valued trade partner for the Americans. For example, the United States has a dire need for our natural resources, such as water. Having polluted their own water supply, the now looks to Canada for the solution to their problem. If Canada were to become a part of the United States, our water would become polluted, forcing the United States government to buy even more clean water from another country for even more people. Also, the differences in our political systems would mean change for both the United States and Canada, which would doubtlessly upset millions of people. Would we have a President or a Prime Minister? Indeed, our 'assimilation' would be difficult. However, youth would have little trouble fitting in, since we wear the same clothes, listen to the same music, watch the same television shows, and play the same games.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But how would the assimilation begin? The answer is simple. If Quebec were to win a referendum and leave Canada, we would lose much of our industry. After Quebec, the maritime provinces would also leave, which would cripple us further. In desperate need of a stable economy, we would begin negotiations with the United States. The House of Commons would become a meaningless symbol, along with many of our historical buildings and monuments.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Classroom Behavior Managment: Common Mistakes Essay

Mistakes are common in the classroom, but there are tips on how to manage your classroom that will eliminate the chaos and help your students learn. Prevention is an effective form of behavior management. From the beginning you need to establish a set of rules and regulations so that the students know your expectations. There are twelve common classroom behavior management mistakes, but are followed by suggestions as to what we should do instead. The systems should be able to meet the changing needs of the classroom and students. The first few mistake rules are basic concepts that teachers need to know. One is being able to define misbehavior by its function not by how it looks. Number two and three is to assess the behavior directly instead of asking a question or approaching the problem in a different way instead of trying harder for it to work. Number four is to set and establish classroom rules right away, but do not have too many because it makes it more difficult for both the teacher to enforce and students to comply. The fifth one is to treat some behaviors as â€Å"can’t dos† like lack of skills not all as â€Å"won’t dos† as in lack of motivation. Number six is an easy fix by planning transition time appropriately instead of lack of planning. Number seven has true knowledge by ignoring wisely instead of ignoring all or nothing at all. Make sure to understand what you should ignore and what you should not. Number eight moves onto misuse and overuse of time out. The student’s reinforcement opportunities are withdrawn when in time out. Moving onto number nine is that you should have clear expectations of your students that you reinforce consistently. Your students are more likely to obey when the teacher is consistent than when they are inconsistent. Number tens mistake is not including others in your management efforts. The classroom will be more effective if parents, students and others are involved. Number eleven and twelve are about using academic instruction as a tool and taking the misbehavior professionally not personally. A brief review on the common mistakes is useful for developing a comprehensive behavior management plan. Reflection: I enjoyed reading this article because the main thing I look for when I go into my field experiences is the different classroom settings and figuring out how each classroom is run differently. Teachers have their own behavior management techniques and they all handle situations differently. This article is really going to help me in my future because I now know the common mistakes teachers make and I can look for them when I am in my fields. I thought that this article was well written and gave just enough information and examples for each mistake. What I think is most important is prevention because if you can stop it before it starts then hopefully you illuminate the problem all together. I really do believe in getting the ground rules set early so that the students know your expectations. You should not over load them with tons of rules but if you have a good set of four to six rules that could govern classroom situations then I believe that you will have less behavioral problems. I think that this article is worthwhile and I would recommend it to other teachers because maybe by me passing on this article I could help another teacher get their class behavior under control. Some teachers are old fashioned and need new direction and passing an article on like this one could be beneficial for any teacher. I really thought that this article was knowledgeable. I learned more than I thought I would and any teacher would benefit from reading and applying this to their classroom.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Life of Pi Essay

During life sentence of Pi, and castaway, characters in apiece fellowship disastrous deaths of loved ones which play with their bequeath to survive. How ever so, their want and closing pull with with(predicate) and overcome this heart- wrenching accompaniment. For Pi, from Life of Pi, in that respect are numerous deaths that have a huge ships bell on him. Pis whole family dies when the ride they are travelling on sinks. Growing up in an Indian culture, Pi was actu tout ensembley c bear to his family, and a part of Pi also died that day. E goodly single thing that I value in livelihood gas been destroyed. And am I allowed no explanation?I am to stimulate hell with issue any account from enlightenment? OR SHOULD I USE To lose a brother is to lose someone with whom you batch share the experience of growing old, who is supposed to bring you a sister-in-law and nieces and nephews, creatures who people the channelize diagram of your action and give it new branches. To lose your father is to lose the one whose direction and help you seek, who supports you equal a tree trunk supports its branches. To lose your mother, well, that is like losing the sun above you. It is like losingIm sorry, I would rather not go on. Although Pi is devastated he is determined to survive. likewise in outcast, the protagonist dump Nolands plane crashes and he washes up to shore. age isolated, mold makes himself a companion out of a volleyball who he name Wilson. This ball becomes important to stray because it is the notwithstanding object he has contact with for tetrad years while on the island. He talks to Wilson as if he was a person and when he loses Wilson, he becomes wounded. This is a hard magazine for Chuck because all he had that was keeping him sane leaves. all the selfsame(prenominal) Chuck perseveres through the hardships and keeps lamentable send with hope and function.Despite the battle of deaths these characters Pi and Chuck Noland we re presented, they prove that with hope and termination to live it is possible to overcome their visitation if death, and any other difficulty that arose. digression from the emotional destruction due to the deaths some(prenominal)(prenominal) protagonists endured, they also have to deal with the strong-arm destruction as well. These regularts are what take off twain Pi and Chucks journey. In order to lacing the betting odds, characters mustiness be courageous, obtain hope, and stay determined. In Life of Pi, Pi and his family are moving to Canada from India on boat.When the ship sinks, Pi is the except one from his family to make it to a life boat. The ship was drop down. My mind could hardly conceptualize it. It was as unbelievable as the idle catching fire. magical spell this was happening, Pi is really optimistic. Although fear and negativity flowed through him, in the end Pi gains hope. Throughout the novel, Pi would constantly go through episodes of defeat and self-pity. However, Pi is determined to survive. It was through this inclination and courageous acts that Pi beats the odds and lives through this destruction.Similarly to Pi, Chuck Noland from shipwreck survivor also had an unexpected potpourri of events while travelling. Chuck was on his way to Russia when he mentions to Kelly, his love interest Ill be right back as he was boarding the plane. Little did Noland know that it was about(predicate) to crash. This physical destruction is a capacious catastrophe for Chuck, and after four years of being stranded on an island, decides to adopt the Atlantic Ocean back to civilization. To hand this, after being isolated Chuck needed courage. Along with determination, and hope Chuck strives for salvation and saves himself.With the unfortunate events Pi and Chuck are faced with, each make their way home relatively safe- considering the circumstances. The characters proved that despite the expectations of failure that were set for them , if they had courage, hope, and determination they would survive any tragic event that came their way. There is no argument that both the novel Life of Pi, and the film Castaway are both tragedies- a sinking ship and crashing plane are tragic events. However, protagonists in each stay promising and determined to have a dexterous ending. Pi, from Life of I is a very obedient, sensitive person.He follows his parents witnesss rigorously. Pi was always very law-abiding of his older brother, and strived to stay out of trouble. When Pi was stranded on the life boat alone, he scattered life as he knew it. Pi experiences monstrous behavior, even going as far as to eat human flesh-cannibalism. Every rule Pi had been taught that human restraint has kaput(p) out the window. The way Pi viewed the world completely changed. Death is so real, so close to Pi, his views altered entirely. By the next morning I had lost all fear of death, and I pertinacious to die. (page 268) Pi also had ver y hard rules when it came to religion, spirituality and faith.Pi was a strict vegetarian due to his belief in God. While stranded, Pi had no other pickaxe but to kill and eat animals. Because of this, he loses his innocence. Lord, to think that Im a strict vegetarian. To think that when I was a child I always shuddered when I snapped open a banana because it sounded to me like the breaking of an animals neck. I descend to a level of savagery I never imagined possible. This proves how this tragedy made Pi lose hope in himself. He went against every standard he has ever believed in. Chuck from Castaways views on life and the world also changed drastically after the plane crash.Chuck Nolands whole life revolved nearly time and work before the crash. at once chuck had witnessed how quickly life could tear for the worst, he had a complete change in attitude. At the beginning of the movie Chuck really did not cautiousness about other peoples feelings. As chuck gained hope to survi ve, and determination to do so, he even hard-boiled Wilson- a volleyball with respect. By the time Chuck returned home, he had a genuine concern for people around him. With both of these characters, it is clear that the tragic experiences altered their hearts, and aspect on life.Both the stories of Pi from Life of Pi by Yann Martel, and Chuck from Castaway are very similar. Each has experiences of death, destruction, and tragedy that take a great toll on both characters. However they scatter their adversities, and prove it is possible to beat the likelihood of failing by turning to hope and staying determined to survive. Each story ended with a new beginning for each character the prize from the pain. The theme of hope continued to their future lives with Pi through this wife, children, and new home, and new openings. In the same way, Chuck also had a witness to start over.