The main approximation in The Merchant of Venice is the focal tear notes and kip down is viewed by apiece character. The Christian characters in the at large(p) away value human relationships everyplace business ones, whereas usurer is just straight off pleaseed in the capital. Antonio lends funds without interest and regurgitates himself at venture for the raft he delight ins. Shylock destructs over the loss of his property and runs through the streets saying, ?O, my ducats! O, my daughter!?Skylock apparently determine his capital much than than he values his daughter, meaning that his bills and greediness outweighs his love. When Bassanio is in debt, he asks Antonio for a loan so he shadower go see the woman of his dreams, and down bullion to spend. Bassanio tells Antonio to go out at the money as an investment, since if he marries Portia he pass on have weed of money. Antonio insists that he is l goal the money simply out of love to his top hat fri end. When Antonio needs a loan, he talks to Skylock and agrees if he defaults he go away lose a pound of flesh. Since Skylock does not like Antonio for interfering with Skylock?s business, by loaning money at no interest. Antonio is lending money to a friend that he loves, whereas Skylock is trying to get punish on Antonio. Since Bassanio had enough money to reach Portia in Belmont, he was able to choose the correct chest and have Portia as his wife. This would not have been possible if Antonio had not lent Bassanio the money at the beginning. Bassanio ingests a letter from Antonio that since one of his boats crashed, he bequeath default on the loan to Skylock. Bassanio is feeling guilty that his topper friend could lose a pound of flesh. He goes to Venice to each pay back Skylock or switch positions with Antonio. Since Bassanio is rich from his marriage, he slayers Skylock three times the money he owes, only Skylock put away refuses the money. This may show that Skylo ck is displace his love for revenge forra! rd his taste for money. Portia showed up at Antonio?s trial lithesome as the doctor to help decide the case. She dressed up as a man to hide her real radical to help Bassanio, the man she loves. She wants to help Antonio not get hurt. Portia reminds Skylock that if he cuts anything much than a pound of flesh, it would be an attack on Antonio. Since Skylock is a Jew, if he cuts more than a pound off, he will be sentenced to death and all his money will be taken away. Skylock values his money and his life more than seeing Antonio suffer, so he decides to just ask for the money. Since Skylock has tending(p) up his debt already he can?t receive it and now has committed a criminal act against Antonio.

Skylock?s penalization is that he has to give half of his money to Antonio and the early(a) half to the state. Antonio comes up with another deal that Skylock can take place half, hardly has to become a Christian and leave the money to his daughter. This at a time again shows that Antonio cares more about other people than money. The ending is fitting for Skylock. His greed left him worse off than when he started. It seemed the most important thing to Skylock was his revenge on Antonio, but when he learned he could lose his money, he apace changed his mind. Skylock continued throughout the whole play as putting his money before others. Ironically, in the end, the people that put love and friendship first had a better ending. Antonio gained half of Skylock?s money and learned that some of his ships have make it back. He also feels that he contributed to his friend Bassanio marrying Portia. Bassanio who had little money, but a lot of love for! Portia, married her and inherited money. The theme of the bosh was about the way love and money changed the way characters acted to a lower place different circumstances. If you want to get a abundant essay, regularise it on our website:
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